Rusakov V.S., Sukhorukov I.A.,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics,
1/2, Leninskie Gory, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation,
Kadyrzhanov K.K., Zhankadamova A.M.
National Nuclear Center, Repuplic of Kazakhstan,
6, Tauelsizdik str., 071100, Kurchatov, Repuplic of Kazakhstan
Received 12.12.11
This paper provides an overview of works in which the methods of simulation of thermally induced processes of diffusion and phase formation in binary layered systems were developed and applied. The physical models of thermally induced processes of diffusion and phase formation in binary systems of layered metal-metal with two or three isotopes of two elements, and metal-metalloid were proposed in these works. The program realization of the proposed models (the program DIFFUSION) allowing to quantitatively describe the kinetics of thermally induced processes in layered binary systems with an arbitrary initial concentration profile of the components, taking into account the features of the phase diagrams of equilibrium states at any arbitrary time-temperature annealing regimes. The simulation of thermally induced processes of diffusion and phase formation in in the model bilayer systems metal-metal showed the character and degree of influence of the phase diagram of states, the diffusion coefficients and the thickness of the system on kinetics of the process of thermal stabilization of an inhomogeneous over the depth structural-phase state of the layered system and thermally stable concentration profile. The simulation of thermally induced processes of diffusion and phase formation in experimentally investigated layered binary systems metal-metal with two (Fe-Ti, Fe-Zr, Fe-Sn, Cu-Be) and three (57Fe-Ti-Fe(Ti)-57Fe) isotopes obtained by the method of magnetron sputtering and metal-metalloid (57Fe:O+), obtained by the method of ion implantation was carried out. The simulation results agree well with the experimentally obtained by the methods of MS- and CEMS-spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction sequence of phase transformations and the relative content of phases formed at all stages of the various time-temperature annealing regimes. At each stage for the first time the local concentrations of the components, the relative content of phases formed, the diffusion coefficients and diffusion fluxes of the components at any depth layered system, as well as the boundaries of single-phase regions were calculated. It is concluded that the character of phase formations in the experimentally and theoretically investigated lamellar systems is determined by changes of local concentration of components in the process of mutual diffusion and conforms to the features of the equilibrium phase diagrams of the binary system.
Keywords: diffusion, phase formation, layered binary metal system, simulation, Mossbauer spectroscopy, x-ray diffractometry.
UDC 539.216.2:543.429.3
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