Vol. 12, no.2, 2020


Oculomotor reactions in fixations and saccades with visual perception of information

Rostislav V. Belyaev, Vladimir I. Grachev, Vladimir V. Kolesov

Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS, http://www.cplire.ru/
Moscow 125009, Russian Federation
E-mail: belyaev@cplire.ru, grachev@cplire.ru, kvv@cplire.ru
Galina Ya. Menshikova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, http://www.psy.msu.ru/
Moscow 125009, Russian Federation
E-mail: menshikova@psi.msu.ru
Alexander M. Popov, Viktor I. Ryabenkov
MIREA-Russian Technological University, http://www.mirea.ru/
Moscow 119454, Russian Federation
E-mail: popov@mirea.ru, ryabenkov@mirea.ru

Received July 9, 2020, peer reviewed July 13, 2020, accepted July 20, 2020
Abstract. The work is devoted to the peculiarities of gaze movement in fixations and saccades when reading text and perceiving neutral images. The existence of multiple (almost unidirectional) displacements in fixations was discovered, the probability of which significantly exceeds the similar probability in simulated random fixations. The dependence of the correlation of time spent in fixations on the degree of distortion of texts when reading them was investigated. An interesting aspect of research is the statistics of the distribution of the direction of gaze shifts in fixations and saccades. It is shown that during reading the direction of displacements in saccades is predetermined. In the case of fixations in the distribution, vertical and horizontal directions are distinguished, and this is typical not only when reading a text, but also when perceiving various images, including those rotated at different angles. The individual characteristics of the visual system associated with the non-synchronous movement of the gaze of the left and right eyes in some subjects were found. It was determined the noise error of the eye-tracking recording system when registering the gaze displacements. It is shown that down to gaze displacements of the order of 1 mm, the noises of the registering measurement system prevails, which have a normal distribution along the length, and are uniformly distributed over the angle.

Keywords: oculomotor reactions (oculomotorics), technology of eye tracking, fixations, saccades, reading text, multiple shifts

UDC 004.932.2; 159.931

RENSIT, 2020, 12(2):263-274. DOI: 10.17725/rensit.2020.12.263.

Full-text electronic version of this article - web site http://en.rensit.ru/vypuski/article/332/12(2)263-274e.pdf