Gennady V. Mishinsky
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
6, str. Joliot Curie, Dubna 141980, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
Received 15.05.2019, accepted 20.05.2019
Abstract. The reaction of radiative capture of neutron by the nucleus and the nonradiative reaction of cold fusion are based on the same resonant interference exchange interaction. The exchange interaction is manifested not only between identical particles, but also between a particle and its image - an object that has a resonant state with that particle (R-state). The wave function of a particle excites the R-state along its length. The appeared wave function of R-state overlaps and interferes with wave functions of a particle. Thereby, an exchange interaction is generated, which attracts a particle and an object with an R-state to each other. The energy of exchange interaction is an additional contribution to the total energy of overall system simultaneously for all fundamental interactions, including the strong interaction. The exchange energy caused by strong interaction increases the radiative capture cross-section of the neutron by the nucleus, forming a potential pit for it far from the nucleus, and creates a potential well on the slope of the Coulomb repulsion potential for protons or deuterons in case of their resonant interaction with the nucleus. Two protons or two deuterons trapped in such a potential well trigger nonradiative cold fusion.
Keywords: quantum physics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, neutron physics, radiative neutron capture, solid state physics, exchange interaction, resonant interaction, cold nuclear fusion, low-energy nuclear reactions
PACS: 03.65.-w; 25.60.Pj; 25.40.Ny; 28.20.-v
RENSIT, 2019, 11(2):125-142
DOI: 10.17725/rensit.2019.11.125
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