Vol. 6, №1, 2014


Vysotskii V.I.

Kiev National Shevchenko University, Faculty of Radiophysics, http://www.univ.kiev.ua,
64, Vladimirskaya str., 01033 Kiev, Ukraine,
Kornilova A.A., Sysoev N.N.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, http://www.phys.msu.ru,
1/2, Leninskie Gory, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation,

Optical and radiating processes that accompany cavitation process at motion of two types of liquids, spindle oil circulating on a closed contour or a free exit of a supersonic water jet from the narrow channel, are considered. It was shown that at certain interval of pressures at the exit of a spindle oil stream from a diaphragm an intensive white-blue light radiation appears and the properties of this radiation essentially differ from sonoluminescence. It was revealed that the case of the closed system with the circulating oil, exit part of the channel and an initial part of a water stream are sources of intensive X-ray radiation. This radiation is connected with the cavitation processes and the subsequent excitation of shock waves. Frequency of X-ray radiation depends on atoms type on a radiating surface (for oil - the chamber case, for water stream - stream surface, for channel - metal atoms on a surface) and increases with the increase of atoms charge from 1 up to 5 keV. The total activity of X-ray radiation in investigated installation in free exit of a stream mode exceeds 0.1 Curie. It was observed for the first time that the action of shock acoustic waves, which are formed in air as a result of water streams cavitation, on the remote screens leads to the generation of quasi-coherent directed X-ray radiation from the reverse side of these screens. Spatial parametres of this radiation depend on the form and cross-section of the screen and on the spatial characteristics of a shock wave. The possibility of control of this radiation parametres, including its focusing by short-focus metal lenses, is proved.

Keywords: cavitation, water stream, shocking wave, X-Ray radiation

UDC 539.538

Bibliography- 6 references
Received 14.09.2010

RENSIT, 2010, 2(1-2):52-63

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