Vol. 8, №2, 2016


Alexander R. Zaritsky, Galina V. Zaytseva, Marina N. Kirichenko

Lebedev Fizichesky Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.lebedev.ru
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
zaritsky@sci.lebedev.ru, zaytseva-gv@yandex.ru, maslova_marina@mail.ru
Vladimir I. Grachev
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.cplire.ru
125009 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 16.11.2016
Abstract. In this paper we consider a well-known phenomenon in the life and the evolutionary development of animal cells - the presence in their cytoplasm gel. Described the evolution of the gel appearance with the dynamics of sol-gel phase transitions. Substantiated the main function of the gel in the cytoplasm - providing intensification of the energy metabolism of cells. Shown the role of the gel in the infrastructure of the cell and its compartments, the relationship of the gel and the cytoskeleton, promoting transmembrane exchange of cell with the environment. Shown the role of gel channels in the logistics of water flows and active substances in the cytoplasm, in the regulation of metabolic mechanisms, in particular, in the regulation of the cytoplasm dehydration modes - of sporulation in unicellular organisms and of the drying of human dermal cover in the norm and in various pathologies.

Keywords: cytoplasm, sol, gel, structured water, energy metabolism, cytoskeleton, gel channels, waterways, dehydration mechanisms

PACS: 87.32.Kg

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