Vol. 7, №2, 2015


Nikolay I. Alekseyev, Viktor V. Luchinin

St.-Petersburg ElectroTechnical University LETI, http://www.eltech.ru
197376 St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Received 13.09.2015
Abstract. The silicone carbide SiC faceted surface is optimized with a viewpoint of producing high-crystallinity graphene with the possibly maximal bandgap. We considered the faceting folds, which appear in the course of splitting vicinal SiC (11−2n) face for the steps as the source of opening non-zero bandgap in the graphene. The structure with spatial period of ~30nm, where the lower estimation of ΔEg gives 0.2÷0.25eV, is offered as optimal for the practice. An approach to practical production of this structure is estimated.

Keywords: graphene, silicon carbide, simulation of synthesis, facetiously surface, bandgap, vicinal face

PACS: 68.65 Pq, 81.15

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