Vol. 7, №1, 2015


Alexander R. Zaritsky, Marina N. Kirichenko

Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.lebedev.ru
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
zaritsky@sci.lebedev.ru, maslova_marina@mail.ru
Vladimir I. Grachev
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.cplire.ru
125009 Moscow, Russian Federation
Yuri P. Vorontsov
Filatov Hospital no. 13, Moscow Department of Healthcare, http://www.13dgkb.ru
103001 Moscow, Russian Federation
Vyacheslav S. Pronin
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of RF, http://www.mmm.ru
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 28.04.2015
Abstract. An analysis of the likely evolution of living world in the period of formation of the first animal cells is presented. Conditions and possible way of transformation of lipid vesicles into nucleated cells of animals are shown. The main content of the evolutionary path at the considered stage is postulated to be formation of the molecular mechanisms of energy metabolism in two modes: mode of activity and division (mitosis) of the vesicles. We identify leading physical-chemical factors governing order of changes of processes and phenomena during cell division – acidity of the cytoplasm and concentration of the main macroerg – ATP. On the phase diagrams of the kinetics of energy metabolism of lipid vesicles and first cells cyclic processes of modes of activation and mitosis are illustrated under conditions of continuous synthesis and enzymatic breakdown of glycogen in the cytoplasm, regulatory inhibitors and activators of metabolic processes, the concentration of ATP and hydrogen ions, involved in running of homeostasis. Self-organizing nature of the kinetics of energy metabolism of lipid vesicles cytoplasm and formed first archaic cells are shown.

Keywords: anaerobic stage of evolution, lipid vesicles, viruses, modes of energy metabolism, acidity, ATP, phase diagrams of metabolism

PACS: 87.23.Kg

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