Valentin M. Silonov, Vasilii V. Chubarov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics,
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation,
Received 20.04.2015
Abstract. The detailed analysis of published data was carried out for amorphous ices. It is shown that on modern representations the amorphous ice exists in different states only at the temperature below the glass transition temperature 136K. The X-ray diffraction method was used for studying of structure formation, because this method is the basic way of producing the direct information about structure of investigated object. For researching the X-ray scattering by ices near the melting point the precision low-temperature devices for X-ray diffractometer were elaborated. The improved device provides virtually unlimited in time maintaining of temperature of investigated sample in the range from 0°C to -25°C with precision ±0.1°C. For the first time, as a result of researches, the coexistence of amorphous structure and crystalline hexagonal structure of ice was established near melting point. The one diffuse maximum was able to identify on one of the diffractional pattern of ice, obtained from distillated water, with the almost complete absence of structural reflexes. There is the sign of completely amorphous state. The radial distribution functions were calculated from obtained diffractional patterns. They are shown that near the melting point the first maximums of radial distribution function of amorphous ice close in positions to first radii of coordination spheres of hexagonal ice. The revealed splitting of first maximum of radial distribution function can be explained by increasing of interatomic distances of neighbor atoms lying on different levels. On prolonged exposure the permanent reallocation on diffractional patterns of diffuse scattering maxima was revealed on ice sample at the constant temperature -10°C. It is proved, that amorphous phase of obtained from distillated water ice has the metastable character.
Keywords: amorphous ice, X-ray diffuse scattering
PACS: 61.05.cp; 07.85.Nc
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RENSIT, 2015, 7(1):55-67
DOI: 10.17725/rensit.2015.07.055
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