Vol. 6, №2, 2014


Sergey P. Gubin, Alexander V. Okotrub

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS - Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SB RAS, http://www.igic.ras.ru
117901 Moscow-630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
gubin@igic.ras.ru, spectrum@niic.nsc.ru

Received 02.11.2014
Abstract. Presented the information about the first conference in Russia devoted to the results and prospects of research on graphene and related materials. General chairs: Sergey P. Gubin, Dr Sci. Chem, prof., IGIC RAS, Moscow, gubin@igic.ras.ru and Alexander V. Okotrub, Dr Sci. Phys&Math, prof., NIIC SB RAS, Novosibirsk, spectrum@ niic.nsc.ru. Venue - House of Scientists, Academgorodok, Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemisry SB RAS. Conference is purposely interdisciplinary, as the problem itself. One of the conference objectives is to develop a common language (terminology) in the discussion of the unique properties of graphene for professionals from various fields of science, a single view of the prospects in this direction. Conference language is Russian. Suggested topics: Graphene - the composition, structure, plies, types of defects. Identification and characterization of graphene samples on different origin (CR, XRD, AFM, TEM, SEM); metrology. Methods of prepapration and perspectives of graphene production. The physical properties of graphene: conductivity, thermal conductivity etc. Physics of graphene: electronic structure, quantum electrodynamics, plasmonics etc. Electronic devices and devices based on graphene, carbon nanoelectronics. Chemistry of graphene: hydrogenation, fluorination, oxidation, functionalization. Graphene oxide - structure, properties, chemistry. Electrochemistry of graphene, supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries. Graphene and catalysis. Graphene in biomedical researches. Graphene in the enviroment; ecology; toxicity. Oder 2D-objects, electronic structure, physical properties; sandwiches.

Keywords: graphene, structure, defects, methods of preparation and production, physics and chemistry of graphene, graphene-based devices, 2D-objects, carbon nanoelectronics

PACS: 01.10 Fv

RENSIT, 2014, 6(2):240

Full-text electronic version of this article - web site http://en.rensit.ru/vypuski/article/140/6(2)-240e.pdf