Vol. 6, №2, 2014


Alexander R. Zaritsky

Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.lebedev.ru
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
Vladimir I. Grachev
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.cplire.ru
11/7, Mokhovaya str., 125009 Moscow, Russian Federation
Yuri P. Vorontsov
Filatov Hospital no. 13, Moscow Department of Healthcare, http://www.13dgkb.ru
103001 Moscow, Russian Federation
Vyacheslav S. Pronin
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of RF, http://www.mmm.ru
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 28.11.2014
Abstract. Presented probable variant of stage transition of abiogenesis from the atmosphere into the hydrosphere - the transition of abiogenic organics from planetary autoclave of near-surface oxygen-free atmosphere into hydrosphere of a cooling planet and development of abiogenesis in the hydrosphere before its completion with the emergence of protocells. Herewith, the hydrocarbon droplets of atmospheric aerosol - the main sources of energy of formation of organic matter in the primitive atmosphere, when dissolved in an turbulent aqueous medium transformed into vesicles - centres of development of primitive energy metabolism and flowing homeostasis, inherited from drops. Interaction of viral world, which appeared in the atmospheric period of abiogenesis, with the world of lipid vesicles ensured the development in them of mechanisms initially anaerobic and then aerobic external and internal energy metabolism. Herewith an important role in the metabolism of vesicles played the selection compounds by type of symmetry. This selection narrowed the range of compounds involved in the internal metabolism of vesicles and provide optimal occurrence of appropriate mechanisms of developments of nascent cellular world.

Keywords: abiogenesis, atmosphere, hydrocarbon nanodroplets, autonomous energy source, metabolism, homeostasis, primary separation, lipids, vesicles, viruses, molecular symmetry

PACS: 89.75.Fb

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