Vol. 6, №2, 2014


Vitaly A. Barishpolets

Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.ccas.ru
119333 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 14.01.2014
Abstract. The paper reviews the development of methods of substantiation and selection of options when planning and management of human activities and development used in this process of technical means and organizational forms of planning and management. Provides the basic concepts of the program-target approach in planning and management of human activities. The main of these concepts is a program, the definition of which is given in the work. Discusses the basic principles of program-target planning and management the creation of complex technical and human-machine systems (CTS, HMS). Foremost among these principles is the end-to-end planning and management the creation of complex technical and human-machine systems life cycle. Describes the essence of decision making in end-to-end planning and management taking into account the uncertainties inherent in this process.

Keywords: planning, management, purpose, operation, program, mathematical model, uncertainties, decision making

PACS: 89.75.Fb

Bibliography – 9 references

RENSIT, 2014, 6(2):209-220 DOI: 10.17725/RENSITe.0006.201412a.0209
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