Vol. 6, №2, 2014


Rudolf P. Bystrov, Alexander A. Potapov, Vladimir A. Cherepenin

Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.cplire.ru
125009 Moscow, Russian Federation
rudolf@cplire.ru, potapov@cplire.ru, cher@cplire.ru
Vladimir G. Dmitriev, Yury M. Perunov
Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://idg.chph.ras.ru
119334 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 12.11.2014
Abstract. Modern development level of generation methods of powerfull electromagnetic impulses and radiation forming ways defines development possibility of wide class of directed energy systems and means. In electromagnetic systems and means impacted on biological objects (human) and environment development area and for force systems in electronic warfare (EW) area the following in most known: electromagnetic means of lethal effect, large power generation means for force systems of EW, electronic means of non–lethal effect and means of directed electromagnetic effect on environment. In the first part of the paper questions of powerful electromagnetic impulses generation improvement for force systems creation of radio–electronic suppression of different kinds of radio–electronic systems (RES) and especially systems of modern high–precision weapon are highlighted. It is exceedingly important problem in perspective armament and military equipment development. Methods and ways of powerfull nanosecond impulses generation are discussed. It contains the following works: - theoretic justification of powerful nanosecond impulses generation method abilities and they’s main parameters for possible practical use in perspective systems of force electronic warfare of RES termination development is made; - results of foreign and domestic researches of creation of nano– and microsecond duration UHF–pulses and ultra–thin electromagnetic pulses and also electromagnetic radiators with magnetoimplosive current generators supply are given - the variants of UHF weapon used abroad are presented and also examples are given for creation of means of directed electromagnetic impact to human for the fight against terrorism. In the second part of the paper basing on interactive materials, issues of geophysical perturbations in ionosphere made naturally and artificially are highlighted as powerfull impact sources in nature. Corresponding description of deliberate methods and means of impact to environment (HAARP type of RLS) and directing of radiation heating stands and secondary ionosphere radiation radio– monitoring is given. In the final third part of the paper problems of possible (expected) development directions of electromagnetic radiation impact on physical objects and environment methods and they’s ways of solving are approximately formulated.

Keywords: generators, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic suppression systems, physical objects, ionosphere, radiomonitoring, geophysical perturbation, heating stands

PACS: 78.70.Gq, 84.90.+a, 89.20.Dd, 92.70.Mn, 93.90.+y, 94.20.Tt

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