Vol. 6, №1, 2014


Barishpolets V. A.
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
119333 Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 09.10.2012, revised 06.04.2013
The article touches upon theoretical and practical aspects of information-psychological security, which are the key component of information security. There are basic concepts and definitions in this area given in this article (information-psychological sphere, information-psychological impact, psychophysical impact, impact of energy, information, psyche, consciousness, subconscious, group consciousness, public consciousness, social consciousness, manipulation of consciousness and etc.). There is an analysis of the organization structure of information-psychological impact, which includes the impact of objects, subjects, acting on the objects, communication between subjects and objects, as well as analysis of means and methods of information-psychological influence in accordance with the existing classification. We consider complex issues of security of individuals, society and the state due to information-psychological impact on individual, group, mass and social consciousness. Based on the analysis of the sources, the main types of dangers and threats in the area, concrete measures, methods and means of providing information-psychological security are proposed. The full basis of information-psychological security are outlined in the article [16].

Keywords: national security, information security, information-psychological security, information-psychological impact, information, psyche, psychic processes, communication, consciousness (individual), group consciousness, public consciousness, social consciousness, public opinion, manipulation of consciousness, health.

UDC 530.1; 513.731

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