Oshlakov V. G.
Institute of Atmosheric Optics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
634021 Tomsk, Russian Federation
Ilyushin Ya. A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics,,
119991 Moscow, Russian Federation,
Received 05.11.2012, revised 28.05.2013
In the presented paper, the problem of maximization of the radar target contrast due to distinctions in the scattering properties of the target and background is considered. Unified description of all the constructive elements of the locator in terms of Mueller matrices and Stokes vectors is formulated. The structural diagram of the monostatic adaptive polarization locator is presented, as well as the polarimeter principal scheme. The problem of optimal selection of the target with know polarimetric properties from the noise is considered, as well as the problem of identification of single and group targets on the background with known scattering properties. Scattering matrices of fresh wate and hydrosol at 440 nm wavelength are evaluated, and relative radar contrast of the hydrosol in the fresh water is estimated. The same problem is posed and solved for aerosol in surrounding air at two wavelength 300 and 550 nm. The possibility of enhacement of radar target contrast using available information about polarization scattering properties of the target and background is shown.
Keywords: radar target contrast, underlying surface, probe signal, polarization characteristics, Stokes vector, Mueller matrices, hydrosol, aerosol.
UDC 535.36+530.1
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