Vol. 6, №1, 2014


Barishpolets Vitaly A.

Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.ccas.ru
40, Vavilova str., 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation

In this article we consider algorithms for the analysis of the network model with stochastic structure, rules of construction which the theoretical basis of the analysis set forth in [1]. The first algorithm is presented for obtaining estimates of probability characteristics of the network model with stochastic structure and random duration of work using statistical modeling. This algorithm is appropriate when the construction of a network model with stochastic structure of the event are used with wide logical possibilities for the input and output. The second is an algorithm for determining estimates of probability characteristics of the network model with stochastic structure and random duration of works by a numerical method that can be used when the construction of the network model uses no more than four kinds of events [1]. The basis of this algorithm is based on replacing the density distribution of the duration of each operation by the histogram.

Keywords: network model, algorithm, block diagram, algorithmic module, characteristics of the network model, approximating probability distribution, histogram, statistical series.

UDC 519.95

Bibliographies – 2 references
Received 20.01.2012

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