Vol. 6, №1, 2014


Buslaeva Elena Yu.

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.igic.ras.ru
31, Leninsky prosp., 117991 Moscow, Russian Federation

There is a short review of experimental results, obtained by Prof. S.P. Gubin and his colleagues in chemistry of supercritical fluids. It was found, that isopropanol under supercritical conditions (SCI) changes its hydrogenating capacity in the following order: (CH3)2CHOH>C2H5OH>CH3OH. The multiple bonds of different types as С=С, С=О, C=S, C=N, C=P were hydrogenated by SCI. Ordinary bonds C-S, C-Hal, C-M were exposed to effective hydrogenolysis. Reactions were conducted without catalysts; the yields and selectivity of the reactions were high. It was shown, that supercritical isopropanol is universal hydrogenating reagent, which reacts with wide series of organic and organometallic substrates. The preparative procedures of ordinary oxides reduction by SCI were developed in the Laboratory of nanomaterial chemistry IGIC RAS, leading by S.P. Gubin. The methods, allowing working with SCI under normal laboratory conditions were developed. The optimal conditions (temperature, pressure) of the reactions and also the ratios of reactants for working with inorganic oxides were found. The procedure of complex oxides reduction by SCI was developed. The simple method of stabilized in polyethylene matrices nanoparticles metal oxides reduction by SCI to obtain metal nanoparticles was developed in situ. The procedure of SCI reduction of metal oxides, localized in matrices of synthetic SiO2, without extraction of nanoparticles from matrices was found. The simple method of the reducing graphene oxide fabrication was found in the Laboratory of nanomaterial chemistry IGIC RAS, leading by Prof. S.P.Gubin. This method allows obtaining of appreciable amounts of graphene (grams). At present novel procedures for nanomateriales on the basis of graphene are developed. It was found, that SCI is universal, nontoxic, applicable in mild conditions reducing agent, which can be used in inorganic chemistry, nanotechnology and chemistry of graphene.

Keywords: supercritical isopropanol, hydrogenation, inorganic oxides, reduction, nanotechnologies, grapheme

UDC 547.56;547.261; 535,343; 543,51; 546,711; 538,214; 546.26;549.211

Bibliography – 23 references
Received 30.11.2012

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