Vol. 9, no 2, 2017
EUGENIJUS V. USHPURAS, (24. 07.1955, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania)
Dr Sci. Eng., Prof., Member of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Lithuania (2001), Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2006)

Address: Breslaujos gatvė 3, Kaunas 44403, Republic of Lithuania
E-mail: uspuras@mail.lei.lt

Education and Degrees
Dr Sci. Eng.: Lithuanian Energy Institute, Republic of Lithuania (1998)
PhD Eng.: Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of Power Engineering, Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania (1986)
Diploma: Vilnius University, Republic of Lithuania (1977)

Academic Title
Professor (2001), Member of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Lithuania (2001)

Affiliation history
Lithuanian Energy Institute, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania, (1977 - present)

Research Interests
Heat transfer and flow of liquid in nuclear reactors for various purposes, deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis in nuclear reactors, development of nuclear and thermonuclear energy technologies, transport of radioactive materials, energy security and analysis of technological risk.

Academic Councils and Research Management
Lithuanian Energy Institute, Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow (1986), Director (2004-2014), Head of Lab. (2014 - present)
Head of the Ingalin Safety Analysis Group (since 1994)
Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Lithuanian Energy Institute (since 1999)

Editorial Boards
Energetika (formerly the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Series: Energetics), с 1989
Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii (RENSIT). ISSN 2218-3000 - editorial board member (2009)

Selected Publications
Eugenijus Ushpuras, Algirdas Kaliatka. Accident and transient processes at NPPs with channel-type reactors. Kaunas, Lithuanian energy institute, 2006, p. 298.
Eugenijus Ushpuras, Algirdas Kaliatka. Basis of modeling of thermal hydraulic processes in nuclear reactors. Kaunas, University of Technology Department of Thermal Nuclear Energy, 2010.

Awards and grants
State Prize for Scientific Achievement (2005).
Prize of Academician A. Zhukauskas for scientific achievements in the field of thermal physics and energetics (2008).