RUSAKOV VYACHESLAV S. (25.05.1947, Moscow, USSR)
Dr Sci. Phys.&Math., Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Address 1/2, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991 Russia
E-mail Web-Site Education and Degrees
Dr.Sci. Phys.&Math., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department (1999)
Ph.D. Phys.&Math., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department (1974)
Diploma: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, Chair of Solid State Physics (1971)
Academic Title: Professor (2006)
Affiliation history
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department (1974 – at present)
Research Interests
Mössbauer spectroscopy, physics of the condensed state, hyperfine interactions, locally inhomogeneous systems.
Academic Councils and Research Management
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, Chair of General Physics, Professor
Member of the Academic Council of the Physics Department, Lomonosov MSU
Member of the Academic Council Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov MSU
Chairman Methodical Committee of the Physics Faculty Lomonosov MSU (Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics)
Editorial Boards
Scientific journal “RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” ISSN 2218-3000.
Selected Publications
Nikolaev VI, Rusakov VS.
Messbauerovskie issledovaniya ferritov [Mossbauer study of ferrites]. – Moscow, MSU Publ., 1985, 224 p.
Zhetbaev AK, Kadyrzhanov KK, Turkebaev TE, Rusakov VS, Aimanov MSh
. Fazovye preobrazovaniya v umplantatsionnykh sistemakh metal-metalloid [Phase transformations in implant systems metal-metalloid]. – Almaty: Gylym Publ., 1995, 178 p. ISBN 5-628-01713-2.
Rusakov VS.
Messbauerovskaya spektroskopiya lokal'no neodnorodnykh sistem [Mossbauer spectroscopy of locally inhomogeneous systems]. Almaty, INP NNC RK Publ., 2000, 431 p. ISBN 9965-9111-2-6.
Kadyrzhanov KK, Mosquitoes FF, Pogrebnjak AD, Rusakov VS, Turkebaev ТE.
Ionno-luchevaya i ionno-plazmennaya modifikatsyya materialov [The Ion-beam and ion-plasma modifications of materials]
. Rusakov VS (ed.). Moscow, MSU Publ., 2005, 640 p. ISBN 5-211-05153-Х.
Русаков VS.
Osnovy messbauerovskoy spektroskopii [Fundamentals of Mössbauer spectroscopy]. Moscow, MSU Publ., 2011, 292 p. ISBN 978-5-8279-0097-9.
Mitin I.V., Rusakov V.S.
Analiz i obrabotka eksperimental’nykh dannykh [Analysis and Processing of Experimental Data]. Moscow, MSU Publ., 2012, 44 p. ISBN 5-8279-0022-2.
Papers: Alonso JA, Mart´ınez-Lope MJ, Presniakov IA, Sobolev AV, Rusakov VS, Gapochka AM, Demazeau G., Fern´andez-D´ıaz MT. Charge disproportionation in
RNiO3 (
R = Tm, Yb) perovskites observed
in situ by neutron diffraction and 57Fe probe Mössbauer spectroscopy.
Physical Review B, 2013, 87:184111.
Golosovsky IV, Golubko NV, Mosunov AV, Politova ED, Murasheva VV, Fortalnova EA, Rusakov VS, Andre G, Porcher F. Crystal structure and phase transition in the doped super-ionic conductor bismuth vanadate Bi4(V,Fe)2O11 revealed by neutron diffraction.
Phys. Status Solidi B, 2013, 250(7):1345-1351.
Sedykh V, Rusakov V, Kveder V, Zver'kova I, Kulakov V. Fluctuations of structural transformations in La0.95Ba0.05Mn0.9857Fe0.02O3+δ under heat treatment.
Materials Letters. 2013, 96:82-84. Novikova SA, Yaroslavtsev SA, Rusakov VS, Kulova TL, Skundin AM, Yaroslavtsev AB. Lithium intercalation and deintercalation into lithium-iron phosphates doped with cobalt.
Mendeleev Commun., 2013, 23(5):251-252.
Dedushenko SK, Perfiliev YuD, Rusakov VS, Gapochka AM. Quadrupole interactions in tetraoxoferrates (VI).
Hyperfine Interactions, 2013, 222(1-3):67-72.
Kadyrzhanov KK, Vereshchak МF, Manakova IА, Ozernoy АN, Rusakov VS. Structure-phase transformations in the Be–Fe–Be layered system subjected to irradiation and thermal treatment.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2013, 74(8):1078-1085.
Rusakov VS, Presnyakov IA, Gapochka AM, Sobolev AV, Tolmachev TD, Luk’yanova EN.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2013, 77(6):672–677.
Rusakov VS, Presnyakov IA, Sobolev AV, Gapochka AM, Matsnev ME, Belik AA. Spatially Modulated Magnetic Structure of AgFeO2: Mössbauer Study on 57Fe Nuclei.
JETP Letters, 2013, 98(9):544–550.
Chistyakova NI, Rusakov VS, Shapkin AA, Pigalev PA, Kazakov AP, Zhilina TN, Zavarzina DG, Lančok A, Kohout J, Grenèche JM. Mössbauer and Magnetic Study of Solid Phases Formed by Dissimilatory Iron-Reducing Bacteria.
Solid State Phenomena, 2012, 190:721-724.
Presniakov IA, Rusakov VS, Demazeau G, Sobolev AV, Glazkova YaS, Gubaidulina TV, Gapochka AM, Volkova OS, Vasiliev AN. Magnetic exchange interactions and supertransferred hyperfine fields at 119Sn probe atoms in CaCu3Mn4O12.
Physical Review B, 2012, 85:024406-1-13.
Chistyakova NI, Rusakov VS, Shapkin AA,•Zhilina TN, Zavarzina DG. Mössbauer study of dissimilatory reduction of iron contained in glauconite by alkaliphilic bacteria.
Hyperfine Interactions, 2012, 208(1):85-89.
Chistyakova NI, Rusakov VS, Gubaidulina TV, Gapochka AM, Bychkov AYu. Mössbauer investigations of synthetic valleriite.
Hyperfine Interactions, 2012, 208(1):99-104.
Chistyakova NI, Rusakov VS, Shapkin AA, Starokurov YuV, Kazakov AP, Zhilina TN, Zavarzina DG, Lančok A, Kohout J. Mössbauer study of biogenic formation processes of iron minerals.
AIP Conf. Proc., 2012, 1489:95-106.
Sedykh VD, Rusakov VS. Mossbauer investigation of structural changes in La0.95Ba0.05Mn0.9857Fe0.02O3+ under heat treatment.
AIP Conf. Proc., 2012, 1489:28-33.
Matsnev ME, Rusakov VS. SpectrRelax: An Application for Mössbauer Spectra Modeling and Fitting.
AIP Conf. Proc., 2012, 1489:178-185.
Badjukov DD, Rusakov VS, Kupin YuG. Shock Wave-Induced Interaction between Meteoritic Iron and Silicates.
Petrology, 2012, 20(4):347-355. ISSN 0869-5911.
SedykhVD, Rusakov VS, Zver'kova II, Dubovitskii AV, Kulakov VI. Structural transformations in La1−xBax Mn0.9857Fe0.02O3 + δ (x=0.05−0.20).
Physics of the Solid State, 2012, 54(3):593-600.
Volovetskii MV, Lukanin OA, Rusakov VS, Kargal’tsev AA. Influence of Oxygen Fugacity and Temperature on the Redox State of Iron in Natural Silicic Aluminosilicate Melts.
Geochemistry International, 2012, 50(4):330–343.
Rusakov VS, Sukhorukov IA, Zhankadamova AM, Kadyrzhanov KK. Simulation of Thermally_Induced Processes of Diffusion and Phase Formation in Layered Metal–Metalloid Systems.
Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2012, 67(3):263–268.
Rusakov VS, Presnyakov IA, Sobolev AV, Demazeau G, Gubaidulina TV, Matsnev ME, Gapochka AM, Volkova OS, Vasil’ev AN. Hyperfine Magnetic Fields at the Nuclei of Probe 119Sn Atoms and Exchange Interactions in the CaCu3Mn3.96Sn0.04O12 Manganite.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2011, 112(4):617–624.
RusakovVS, Presniakov IA, Gubaidulina TV, Sobolev AV, Baranov AV, Demazeau G, Veselova KM. 57Fe and 119Sn Probe Mössbauer Spectroscopy Investigation of Perovskite-Type Double Manganite Family CaCuxMn7–xO12 (x = 0, 0.15, 3).
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2011, 75(2):271-276.
Rusakov VS, Sukhorukov IA, Zhankadamova AM, Kadyrzhanov KK. Simulation of Thermally Induced Processes of Diffusion and Phase Formation in Layered Fe–Sn and Fe–Zr Systems. Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2011, 5(3):601–609.
Sedykh VD, Rusakov VS, Zver’kova II, Dubovitskii AV, Kulakov VI. Specific Features of the Structural Transformations in La1–
xMn0.9857Fe0.02O3–δ (
x = 0.05–0.50).
Physics of the Solid State, 2011, 53(7):1440–1447.
Rusakov VS, Sukhorukov IA, Zhankadamova AM, Kadyrzhanov KK. Simulation of Diffusion and Phase Formation during Isothermal Annealing of Lamellar Fe–Zr Systems.
Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2011, 66(2):155–161.
Rusakov VS, Sukhorukov IA, Zhankadamova AM, Kadyrzhanov KK. Physical Model of Thermally Induced Diffusion and Phase-Formation Processes in Layered Systems Containing Three Isotopes of Two Elements.
Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2011, 66(6):560-567.
Awards and grants
Lomonosov Prize of MSU for Teaching Activities (2011)