Vol. 7, №1, 2015
PETROV IGOR B. (08.02.1953, Moscow, USSR)
Dr Sci. Phys.&Math., Prof., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, http://www.ras.ru

Address 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region 141700 Russian Federation
E-mail petrov@mipt.ru

Education and Degrees
Dr Sci. Phys&Math, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1990)
Ph.D. Phys&Math, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1980)
Diploma: Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Department of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering (1976)

Academic Title
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Mathematical Sciences (2011) Professor (1993)

Affiliation History
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, http://mipt.ru, Moscow region 141700 Russia (1976 – at present).

Research Interests
Computer modeling, high performance computing, parallel programming.

Academic Councils and Research Management
Moscow Physics and Technology Institute, Department of Management and Applied Mathematics, Chair of Computer Science, prof., Head of Chair (1995)
Member of the Scientific Council of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Member of Dissertation Councils D.215.156.05, D.002.045.0, D.002.058.01

Editorial boards
Scientific journal “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie [Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations]” ISSN 0234-0879
Scientific journal "Trudy of MFTI [Proceedings of MIPT]” ISSN 2072-6759
Scientific journal "RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” ISSN 2218-3000.

Selected Publications
Petrov IB. Favorskaya AV, Khokhlov NI, Vasyukov AV, Golubev VI. Numerical modeling of seismology and aircraft industry problems. Conference Journal, G8&G20 Allumni Association, Geneve, Suisse, 2013, pp. 498-501.
Petrov IB. Favorskaya AV, Sannikov AV, Kvasov IE. Grid-Characteristic Method Using High-Order Interpolation on Tetrahedral Hierarchical Meshes with a Multiple Time Step. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2013, Vol. 5, No. 5, 409-415.
Golubev VI, Kvasov IE, Petrov IB. Influence of Natural Disasters on Ground Facilities. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2012, 4(2):129–134.
Levyant VB, Muratov MB, Petrov IB. Chislennoe modelirovanie volnovykh otklikov ot sistemy (klastera) subvertikal’nykh mikrotreschin [Numerical simulation of wave responses from the system (cluster) subvertical macrocracks]. Tekhnologii seysmorazvedki [Seismic Technologies], 2012, 1:5-21 (in Russ.) ISSN 1813-4254.
Favorskaja AV, Sannikov AV, Kvasov IE, Petrov IB. Setochno-kharakteristicheskiy metod vysokoy tochnosti na tetraedral’nykh ierarkhicheskikh setkakh a kratnym shagom po vremeni [Grid- characteristic method of high accuracy on tetrahedral meshes with multiple hierarchical time step]. Komp’yuternye issledovaniya i modelirovanie [Computer simulations and research], 2012, 3(1):161-171 (in Russ.) ISSN: 2076-7633.
Kvasov IE, Petrov IB. Chislennoe modelirovanie volnovykh processov v geologicheskikh sredakh v zadachakh seysmorazvedki vysokoproizvoditel’nykh EVM [Numerical modeling of wave processes in geological environments in problems seismic high-performance computers]. Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiz. [J. of Comput. Mathem. and Mathem. Physics], 2012, 52(2):330-341 (in Russ.). ISSN 0044-4669.
Khokhlov NI, Petrov IB. Modelirovanie seysmicheskikh yavleniy setochno-kharakteristicheskim metodom [Modeling seismic grid-characteristic method]. Trudy MFTI, 2011, 3(3):160-168 (in Russ.).
Kvasov IE, Petrov IB. Chislennoe issledovanie anizotropii volnovykh otklikov ot treschinovatogo plasta setochno-kharakteristicheskim metodom [Numerical study of the anisotropy of the wave of responses from fracturing reservoir grid-characteristic method]. Matem. Modelirovanie, 2011, 18(8):18-24 (in Russ.).
Kvasov IE, Golubev VI, Petrov IB. Chislennoe modelirovanie vozdeystviya prirodnykh katastrof na nasemnye sooruzheniya [Numerical modeling of the impact of natural disasters on the ground facilities. Matem. Modelirovanie, 2011, 23(8):46-54 (in Russ.).
Kvasov IE, Pankratov CA, Petrov IB. Chislennoe issledovanie dinamicheskikh processov v tverdoy deformiruemoy srede s treschinoy, initsiiruemykh pripoverkhnostnym vozmyscheniem, setochno-kharakteristicheskim metodom [Numerical study of dynamic processes in the solid deformable medium with a crack initiated subsurface disturbance grid-characteristic method]. Matem. Modelirovanie, 2011, 23(11):109-162 (in Russ.).
Bolotskikh YV, Vasyukov AV, Petrov IB. Modelling of Dynamic Problems in Biomechanics. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., 2011, 6(7):70-81.
Petrov IB, Matyushev NG. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie deformatsionnykh i volnovykh protsessov v mnogosloynykh konstruktsiyakh [Mathematical modeling of deformation and wave processes in multilayer structures]. Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiz., 2009, 49(9):1-7 (in Russ.).
Kvasov IE, Chelnokov FB, Petrov IB. Raschet volnovykh processov v neodnorodnykh prostranstvennykh konstruktsiyakh [Computation of wave processes in inhomogeneous spatial structures]. Matem. Modelirovanie, 2009, 21(5):3-9 (in Russ.).
Petrov IB. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie v meditsine i biologii na osnove modeley mekhaniki sploshnykh sred [Mathematical modeling in medicine and biology -based models of continuum mechanics. Trudy MIFI, 2009, 1(1):5-16 (in Russ.).
Petrov IB, Kholodov AS. O regulyatsii razryvnykh chislennykh resheniy uravneniy giperbolicheskogo tipa [Regularization of discontinuous numerical solutions of hyperbolic equations]. Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiz., 1984, 24(8):1172-1188 (in Russ.).
Petrov IB, Kholodov AS. Chislennoe issledovanie nekotorykh dinamicheskikh zadach mekhaniki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela setochno-kharakteristicheskim metodom [Numerical study of some dynamic problems of solid mechanics grid-characteristic method]. Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiz., 1984, 24(5):722-739 (in Russ.).

Awards and grants
Order “Of Merit Before the Fatherland” Second Degree
6th European Framework Programme contract MIPT-Schlumberger.
RFBR grants, AVTsP RNPVSh – 1996-2012