ANDREY I. PANAS, (09.05.1955, Moscow, USSR)
Dr Sci. Phys.&Math., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,, (2003)
Address: 4, Vvedenskogo str., 141120 Fryazino, Moscow region, Russian Federation
Education and Degrees
Dr Sci Phys&Math., Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS (2001)
Ph.D. Phys&Math., Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS (1988)
Diploma: Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1978)
Academic Title: Senior Research Fellow (1990)
Affiliation history
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Fryazino Branch, RAS, Moscow Region, Russia (1978 – at present).
Research Interests
Radio Physics & Physical Electronics
Academic Councils and Research Management
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Fryazino Branch, RAS, Head of the Lab. (since 1990)
Editorial Boards
Scientific journal "Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii (RENSIT)" ISSN 2218-3000 - editorial board member (2009)
Selected Publications
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Miliou A.N., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Chapter 15. Secure Transmission of Analog Information using Chaos. In: Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption, ed. Santo Banerjee, IGI Global, 2010, pp. 337-360.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. The generation of microwave chaotic oscillations in the CMOS structure. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, 6 (2): 1-9.
DmitrievA.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. Transistor low power chaos generators. University news. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2008, 16 (3): 56-70.
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. Technological platform for creating transceivers based on chaotic signals. Successes of modern radio electronics, 2008, 1: 77-83.
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. Ultra-wideband microwave transceiver platform based on chaotic signals. Radio Engineering, 2007, №1.
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Ultra-wideband wireless communications based on dynamic chaos. Radio engineering and electronics, 2006, 51 (10): 1193-1209.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kirginsky B.E., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I. Broadband microwave generator of chaotic signals. RF patent number 51805, priority of 04/12/2005.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O. A way to send messages in a multi-user communication system. The patent of the Russian Federation No. 2273100, priority of November 17, 2004.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O. Directly chaotic communication systems. Foreign radio electronics. Successes of modern radio electronics, 2003, 9: 26-42.
DmitrievA.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O. Ultra-wideband direct chaotic information transmission in the microwave range. Letters to the Journal of Physics and Technology, 2003, 29 (2): 70-76.
Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.Ye., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Experiments on ultra wideband direct microwave band. Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 2003, 13 (6): 1495-1507.
Dmitriev A.S., Hasler M., Panas A.I., Zakharchenko K.V. Basic principles of direct chaotic communications. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2003, 6 (1): 488-501.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I. Dynamic chaos: new media for communication systems. M., Fizmatlit, 2002, 252 c.
DmitrievA.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O. Experiments on ultra-wideband direct chaotic information transmission in the superhigh-frequency range. Radio engineering and electronics, 2002, 47 (10): 1219-1228.
Dmitriev A.S., Kirginsky B.E., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Straight-chaotic information transfer schemes in the microwave range. Radio engineering and electronics, 2001, 46 (2): 224-233.
Andreev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, AS, Emets, SV, Kuzmin, L.V., Panas, AI, Puzikov, D.Yu., Starkov, S.O. Chaotic markers and asynchronous data transfer. Letters to the Journal of Physics and Technology, 2000, 26 (14): 53-59.
Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Prospects for creating direct communication systems in the radio and microwave bands. Radio Engineering, 2000, 3: 9-20.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I. Communication scheme with summation modulo chaotic and informational signals. Radio engineering and electronics, 1999, 44 (8): 988-996.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Kuzmin L.V. Chaotic synchronization and chaotic communications over a band-pass channel. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems (An Interdisciplinary Journal), 1999, 2 (3): 91-99.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I. Communication scheme with the summation modulo the chaotic and information signal. Radio engineering and electronics, 1999, 44 (8): 988-996.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Experiments on the transmission of information using chaos through a radio channel. Radio Engineering and Electronics, 1998, 43 (9): 1115-1128.
Dmitriev A., Panas A., Starkov S., Kuzmin L. Experiments on RF band communications using chaos. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 1997, 7 (11): 2511-2527.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. Ring oscillating systems of chaos generators. Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1996, 6 (5): 851-865.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Experiments on speech and music signals trasmission using chaos. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1995, 5 (4): 1249-1254.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Storing and recognizing information based on stable one-dimensional map. Phys. Lett. A, 1991, 155: 494-499.
Awards and grants
Lenin Komsomol Prize laureate (1987)
Russian Foundation of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, INTAS, ISTC etc.