PETER PAUL MAC KENN (21.11.1943, Alexandria, Louisiana, United States)
Dr Sci. Biol., Prof., Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2001)
Address: 6660 St James's crossroads, University Park, FL 34201-2238, USA
Education and Degrees
Dr Sci. Biol.: Syracuse University, New York (1970)
Diploma: Zoological Faculty of Columbia College at Columbia University, New York (1965)
Academic Title: Professor (1984)
Affiliation history
International Development Research Centre, Strasbourg, France (1973-79)
University of Cincinnati, Department of Cell Biology, Cincinnati, Ohio (1979 - present)
University of Maryland, Annapolis, MD (1993-2003
Research Interests
Molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology
Academic Councils and Research Management
University of Cincinnati, Department of Cell Biology: senior biochemist, researcher, research manager, director of Scientific Affairs, Director General of the Research Institute of the MD, Cincinnati, Ohio (1979)
British biotech company, vice president, president, board member, Annapolis, Maryland (1993-99)
Dissertation Council of the University of Cincinnati (1993)
Editorial Boards
Biochemistry Journal, ACS – editorial board member
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin - editorial board member
American Journal of Physiology - editorial board member
Scientific journal “RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” ISSN 2218-3000 - editorial board member (2009)
Selected Publications
Mac Kenn P.P. The first living systems: a bioenergetic perspective. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev., 1997, 61(2):239-261.
Lykke-Andersen J, Aagaard C, Mac Kenn P.P, Garrett RA (1997). Archaeal introns: splicing, intercellular mobility and evolution. Trends Biochem Sci., 1997, 22:326-31.
Oró, J., Miller, S. L., Mac Kenn P.P. The Origin and Early Evolution of Life on Earth. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 1990, 18:317–56.
Awards and grants
“Who’s who in America”, 6 editions