Vol. 8, №1, 2016
ALEXANDER S. ILYUSHIN, (20.10.1943, Kemerovo, USSR)
Dr Sci. Phys.&Math., Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, http://www.raen.info, (2001)

Address: 1/2, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991 Russia
E-mail: sols146i@phys.msu.ru

Education and Degrees
Dr.Sci. Phys.&Math., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics (1989)
Ph.D. Phys.&Math., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics (1971)
Diploma: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Chair of Solid State Physics (1967)

Academic Title: Professor (1992)

Affiliation history
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Chair of Solid State Physics http://www.phys.msu.ru (1970 – at present)

Research Interests
Solid state physics, diffraction and resonant structural analysis, phase transitions in rare-earth intermetallic compounds, ...

Academic Councils and Research Management
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Chair of Solid State Physics, Professor
Academic Council of Faculty of Physics in Lomonosov Moscow State University (1993-2012)
Dissertation Council K 501.001.02 (1986-2000 yy.) on Solid State Physics
Dissertation Council D 501.002.01 (2000 y. – at present) on a Speciality 01.04.07 - Physics of the Condensed Condition

Editorial Boards
Scientific journal “Moscow University Physics Bulletin”, ISSN 0027-1349, (1995)
Scientific journal “Perspektivnye materialy”, ISSN 1028-978X (since 2010)
Scientific-Technical Journal “Physics and chemistry of materials treatment”, RAS, ISSN: 0207-3528 (since 2010)
Scientific journal “RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” ISSN 2218-3000 - editorial board member (2009)

Selected Publications
Zhdanov G.S., Ilyushin A.S., Nikitina S.V. Diffraction and resonance structural analysis. 1980, M., Science, 254 p.
Ilyushin A.S. Introduction to the structural physics of rare-earth intermetallic compounds. 1991, Ed. Moscow State University, 177 p.
Ilyushin A.S. Structural physics of rare-earth intermetallic compounds. Ch. 1-6, 1999-2000, M. Moscow State University, Phys. a fact
Ilyushin A.S., Kornilov A.A., Opalenko A.A. Methods of Mössbauer spectroscopy. M., Ed. Moscow State University, 2005, 28 p.
Ilyushin A.S., Oreshko A.P. Introduction to diffraction structural analysis. Moscow, Moscow State University, 2008, 336 p.
Gubin S.P., Ilyushin A.S. Actual problems of structural physics of condensed matter. Physical and chemical problems of nanoparticles. Moscow, Moscow State University, 2012, 96 p.
Ilyushin A.S., Prudnikov I.R., Yakuta E.V. Modern problems of condensed matter physics. Selected chapters. Moscow, Moscow State University, 2015, 148 p.
Ilyushin A.S., Oreshko A.P. Diffraction structural analysis. Ch. 1, 2. M., Yurayt, 372 and 299 p.
Ilyushin A.S., Prudnikov I.R., Yakuta E.V. Promising objects of research in modern physics of condensed matter state (polymer structures, photonic crystals, superlattices). M., MTSNMO, 2018, 148 p.
ARTICLES Kolontsova E.V., Ilyushin A.S. Oriented defects in deformed copper crystals. Physics of metals and metallography, 1969, 27 (3): 555-557.
Ilyushin A.S., Zakharova M.I. The definition of the orientation ratios of the phases in the decomposition of the solid solution according to Laue grams. Crystallography, 1975, 2 (3): 567-570.
Ilyushin A.S., Wallace W.E. Magnetic and structural studies of rare earth-iron-manganese laves phase ternaries. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 17 (1): 131-133.
Ilyushin A.S. The local atomic arrangement and thermal expansion Mn3-xFexA. Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1984, 5 (2-2): 145.
Abd-El_Aal M.M., Ilyishin A.S., Chechernikov V.I. Magnetic properties and spontaneous distortion in phase Laves intermetallic compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1987, 69: 325-329.
Vasiliev A.N., Buchelnikov V.D., Ilyushin A.S., Savchenko Yu.I., Georgius R.Sh. Striction of the antiferromagnetic transition and the magnetic Gruneisen parameter-mn. Letters to the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1990, 52 (7): 1009-1012.
Bing Wang, Lissong Xiu, Hianchang He, Zigin Wu, Red'ko S.V., Ilyushin A.S. X-ray diffraction of multilayers effect of thikness ratio deviation on soft Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 72 (6): 1-5.
O'Donnell K., Qinian Qi, Ilyushin A.S., Coey J.M.D. Copper-rich invar by mechanical alloying. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1993, 123 (3): 243-245.
Ilyushin A.S., Opalenko A.A. On the question of self-organization of the magnetic moments of atoms after exposure to an electric field. Solid State Physics, 2006, 48 (9): 1641-1643.
Ilyushin A.S., Umkhaeva Z.S. Phases of high pressure in quasi-binary systems of rare-earth intermetallic compounds. Radio electronics. Nanosystems. Information Technology (RENSIT), 2011, 3 (1): 25-33.
Ilyushin A.S., Kovalchuk M.V. The 100th Anniversary of the X-ray Diffraction. Crystallography Reports, 2012, 57 (5): 617-627.
Tereshina IS, Chzhan VB, Tereshina EA, Khmelevskyi S., Burkhanov GS, Ilyushin AS, Paukov MA, Havela L., Karpenkov A. Yu, Cwik J., Koshkid'ko Yu S., Miller M., Nenkov K., Schultz L. Magnetostructural transitions with a Laves phase structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 120: 01390 (1) -01390 (10).
Politova G.A., Pankratov N.Yu, Vanina P.Yu, Filimonov A.V., Rudskoy A.I., Burkhanov G.S., Ilyushin A.S., Tereshina I.S. Magnetocaloric effect and magnetostrictive deformation in Tb-Dy-Gd-Co-Al with Laves phase structure. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 470: 50-54.

Awards and grants
Honorary Title «The Deserved Professor of the Moscow University» (2002).
Breastplate «The Honourable Worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation» (2005).
RFBR: Russian Foundation of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, INTAS, ISTC etc.