VLADIMIR I. GRACHEV. (26.08.1943, Moscow region, Balashikha, USSR)
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Address 11/7, Mokhovaya str, Moscow 125009 Russian Federation.
E-mail grachev@cplire.ru,
Diploma: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Physics,
http://www.phys.msu.ru, Chair of Magnetism (1973).
Affiliation history
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
http://www.cplire.ru, Moscow 125009 Russian Federation (1998 - at present).
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
http://www.gpi.ru, Moscow (1983-98).
Lebedev Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
http://www.lebedev.ru, Moscow (1982-83).
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
http://www.chph.ras.ru, Moscow (1978-82).
Hydrometeorological Center of Russia,
http://meteoinfo.ru, Moscow (1976-78).
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
http://www.geokhi.ru, Moscow (1973-76).
Research Interests
Physics of wave phenomena; physics of nanostructures; nonlinear dynamics; fractals in physics
Academic Councils and Research Management
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Laboratory Physical Foundations of Nanocomposite Materials for Information Technology, Research Fellow Phys&Math (1998).
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Department of Radioelectronics, Nanophysics and Information Technologies Problems, Academic-Secretary (2001).
Editorial Boards
Scientific journal "Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii (RENSIT)", ISSN 2218-3000 - the Founder, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief (since 2009 on present time).
Network edition "Radioelectronics. Nanosystems. Information Technologies (RENSIT), ISSN 2414-1267 - the Founder, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief (since 2014 on present time).
Selected Publications
Fractals in physics
Vladimir I. Grachev. Matritsy puti i topologiya granits v labirintnykh fraktalakh [Path Matrices and Bordes Topology in Labyrinth Fractals].
Proceedings of the 8-th International scientific seminar "Modern methods of analysis of the diffraction data and topical issues of X-ray optics" (Velikiy Novgorod, Russia, 22.06-02.07.2016) . SPbGEU Branch in V.Novgorod, V.Novgorod, 2016, pp.62-64.
Grachev VI. Fractal Labyrinths: Path Matrices and Bordes Topology.
Proc. 35thProgress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. “PIERS’2014”(August 2014, Guangzhou, China). Cambridge, MA, USA, Electromagnetics Academy, 2014, pp. 1300-1303.
Potapov AA, German VA, Grachev VI. Fractal Labyrinths As A Basis For Reconstruction Planar Nanostructures.
Proc. 15thIntern. Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications “ICEAA2013” (Sept. 2013, Torino, Italy), pp. 949-952, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1368B-CDR, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5705-0.
Potapov AA, Grachev VI. Fractal Labyrinths: Physics&Fractional Operators.
Proc. 32thProgress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. ”PIERS’2012” (August 2012, Moscow, Russia). Cambridge, MA, Electromagnetics Academy, 2012, pp. 1584-1587.
Grachev VI, Potapov AA. Fizika i matematika fraktal’nykh labirintov [Physics and mathematics of fractal labyrinths].
Elektrodinamika i tekhnika SVCH, KVCH i opticheskikh chastot. 2012, 17(1):23-28 (in Russ.).
Grachev VI, Potapov AA, Potapov VA. Fraktal’nye labirinty [Fractal labyrinths].
RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Inform. Tekhnologii, 2011, 3(2):103-109 (in Russ.).
The interaction of electromagnetic fields of extremely high frequencies with the substance, medical physics
Devyatkov ND, Grachev VI, Kislov VV, Kislov VYa, Kolesov VV. Metodologicheskie aspekty elektropunkturnoy diagnostiki i punkturnoy KVCh-terapii [Methodological aspects of electro-puncture diagnostic and puncture EHF-therapy].
Biomeditsinskaya radioelektronika, 2000, 1:3-14, ISSN 1560-4136 (in Russ.).
Devyatkov N.D., Belyi Yu.N., Grachev V.I., Kislov V.V., Kislov V.Ya., Kolesov V.V. Elektropunkturnaya diagnostika i KVCH-vozdeystvie kak metody kibernetiki funktsionalnykh sistem i bioupravleniya [Electropunctural Diagnostic and EHF-influence: the Cybernetic Methods of Functional Systems and Biological Control].
Biomeditsinskaya Radioelektronika, 2000, 8:6-21 (in Russ.).
Bely YuN, Grachev VI, Kislov VV, Kislov VYa, Kolesov VV. Electropunctural control of biostimulators influence on lipid metabolism of the body.
Meditsinskaya fizika, 2001, 11:41-19. ISSN 1810-200X.
Physics of complex biological systems, the physics of fluids
Grachev VI, Zaritsky AR. Abiogenez: ot uglevodorodnogo aerozolya v atmosphere do protokletok v vodnoy srede [Abiogenesis: from hydrocarbon aerosol in the atmosphere to protocells in an aqueous medium].
Proc. Conf. «XXIX Lyubischevskie readings. Modern Problems of Evolution and Ecology" (Ul’yanovsk, April, 2015). Ul’yanovsk, UlGPU Publ., 2015, pp. 70-76 (in Russ.).
Zaritsky AR, Grachev VI, Vorontsov YuP, Pronin VS. Energeticheskie aspekty abiogeneza v atmosfere na nanokaplyakh uglevodorodnogo aerozolya [Energy aspects of abiogenesis in the atmosphere on hydrocarbon aerosol nanodroplets].
RENSIT, 2013, 5(2):105-125 (in Russ.).
Bunkin AF, Grachev VI, Lyakhov GA, Nurmatov AA. Chetyrekhfotonnaya polyarizatsionnaya spektroskopiya vody v pole millimetrovogo izlucheniya [Four-photon polarization spectroscopy of water in a millimeter-wave radiation field].
Pis’ma v ZhETF, 1998, 68(4):266-268 (in Russ.).
Fok MV, Zaritsky AR, Prokopenko GA, Grachev VI. Eritrotsit kak fizicheskaya sistema. Kinetika transmembrannogo perenosa kisloroda [Red blood cell as a physical system. Kinetics of the transmembrane transport of oxygen].
Zhurnal obschey biologii, 1994, 55 (4-5):583-612 (in Russ.).
Grachev VI, Lobchenko IM. Sobstvennye kolebaniya domena lipidnogo bisloya tsitoplasmaticheskoy membrany [Proper oscillations of domain of the lipid bilayer of the cytoplasmic membrane].
Kratkie soobscheniya po fizike FIAN, 1991, 8:7-10 (in Russ.). ISBN 5-201-09127-X.
Fok MV, Zaritsky AR, Grachev VI, Lyakhov GA. Relaksatsionny rezhim generatsii zvuka kletochnoy suspenziey [Relaxation mode sound generation cellular suspension].
Kratkie soobscheniya po fizike FIAN, 1991, 4:16-19 (in Russ.)
Nonlinear optics and laser physics
Danilov VYa, Grachev VI, Kravtsov YuA, Luchitsky IA, Petnikov VG, Tkalich EF, Fedorchenko IS. Ob upravlenii volnovymi polyami v mnogomodovykh volnovodakh: chislennye raschety fokusirovki polya s ispol’zovaniem printsipa fazovogo sopryazheniya [On the control of the wave fields in multimode waveguides: numerical calculations of field focusing using the principle of phase conjugation].
Izvestiya Vuzov. Radiofizika, 1987, Dep. VINITI, no. 8636-B87 (in Russ.).
Acoustics of shallow sea
Afrailov MA, Bunkin FV, Bystrov VP, Vavilin AV, Grachev VI et al. Eksperimenty po issledovaniyu prostranstvenno-vremennoy izmenchivosti melkogo morya na statsionarnykh akusticheskikh trassakh [The experimental study of the spatial and temporal variability of shallow sea on the stationary acoustic tracks].
Proc. of the 10th All-Union Acoustic Conference (July, 1983, Moscow), Moscow, Akust. Inst. AN USSR Publ., 1983, pp. 41-44.
Photochemistry of polymers and dyes
Grachev VI, Novoradovsky AG, Krichevsky GE. Otsenka spektral’noy chuvstvitel’nosti krasitelya v polimernoy plenke, obluchennoy polnym svetom rtutnoy lampy [Estimation of the spectral sensitivity of the dye in the polymer film is irradiated with light from a mercury lamp full].
Izvestiya Vuzov. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya. 1984, 27(2):226-228 (in Russ.).
Anisimov VM, Grachev VI, Djanashvili ME, Karpukhin ON, Krichevsky GE. Vliyanie spektral’nogo sostava izlucheniya na svetostoykost’ krasiteley [Influence on the spectral composition of light on the fastness of dyes].
Izvestiya Vuzov. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1983, 26(2):204-206 (in Russ.).
Mathematical problems of satellite data processing
Grachev VI, Uspensky AB, Fedorov VV. Ispol’zovanie apriornoy statisticheskoy informatsii pri parametricheskom predstavlenii meteoelementov [Using a priori statistical information for the parametric representation of meteorological parameters]. In:
Interpretation and use of satellite data in the analysis of the weather. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat Publ., 1978, 25-35.
Cosmochemistry of meteorites
Vdovykin GP, Grachev VI, Malysheva TV. Termal’ny metamorfizm uglistykh khondritov [Thermal metamorphism of carbonaceous chondrites].
Geokhimiya, 1977, 6:869-876 (in Russ.).
Vdovykin GP, Grachev VI, Malysheva TV, Satarova LM. Izuchenie form zheleza v uglerodistykh meteoritakh metodom effekta Messbauera. I. Fazy zheleza v uglistykh khondritakh i ureilitakh [The study of the forms of iron in carbonaceous meteorites by the Mössbauer effect. I. Fe phases in carbonaceous chondrites and ureilites].
Geokhimiya, 1975, 12:1872-1884 (in Russ.) - first scientific publication.