BUSHUEV VLADIMIR A., (05.13.1947, Moscow, USSR)
Dr Sci. Phys.&Math., Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
http://www.raen.info Address 1/2, Leninskie Gory,Moscow, 119991 Russia
E-mail vabushuev@yandex.ru Education and Degrees
Dr.Sci. Phys.&Math., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department (1993)
Ph.D. Phys.&Math., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department (1975)
Diploma: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, Chair of Wave Processes (1971)
Academic Title: Professor (1999)
Affiliation history
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, Chair of Solid State Physics
http://www.phys.msu.ru (1974 – at present)
Research Interests
X-ray diagnostics of nanoscale crystalline and porous structures. Photonic crystals and nonlinear optical phenomena. X-ray free-electron lasers and diffraction of ultrashort laser pulses. Theory of X-ray phase contrast for studying the internal structure of biomedical objects (direct and inverse problems). Theory of X-ray waveguides and hubs. Statistical theory of diffraction and specular X-ray scattering in microstructures with defects and rough interlayer boundaries. The spatial coherence of X-ray diffraction radiation reflected from the crystals and multilayer structures and the formation of images in the method of X-ray phase-contrast (
in-line holography).
Academic Councils and Research Management
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department, Chair of Solid State Physics, Professor Academic Council of Physics Department in Lomonosov Moscow State University (1993-2012)
Dissertation Council N 1 of Solid State Physics Department K 053.05.19 (the scientific secretary of Council from 1987 y. to 1996 y.)
Dissertation Council K 501.001.02 (1986-2000 yy.) on Solid State Physics
Dissertation Council D 501.002.01 (2000 y. – at present) on a Speciality 01.04.07 - Physics of the Condensed Condition
Dissertation Council D 501.001.67 (2003 y. – at present) on a Speciality 01.04.05 – Optics.
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the Member of Advisory Council on Scientific Discipline 02-211 – “Interaction of X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Radiation with the Condensed Matter” (since 2003)
RFBR, Chairman of Advisory Council of the RFBR on Scientific Discipline 02-211 (since 2010 at present).
Editorial Boards
Scientific journal «Crystallography Reports», RAS, ISSN 0023-4761 (since 2010).
Scientific journal «Journal of Surface Investigations», RAS, ISSN: 0207-3528 (since 2010).
Scientific journal “RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” [Radioelectronics. Nanosystems. Information Technologies] ISSN 2218-3000 (since 2009).
The selected publications Books:
Bushuev VA, Kyutt RN, Khapachev YuP.
Fizicheskie printsipy rentgenodifraktometricheskogo opredeleniya parametrov real’noy struktury mnogosloynykh epitaksial’nykh plenok [Physical Principles of X-ray Diffracrometry Definitions of Real Structure Parameters of Multilayered Epitaxial Layers]. Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarskii State University Publ., 1996, 179 p.
Bushuev V, Compton Scattering from X-Ray Standing Wave Field. In “
The X-Ray Standing Wave Technique. Principles and Applications”, Editors Zegenhagen J. and Kazimirov A., World Scientific Publishing, 2013, 534 p., Chapter 10, pp. 163-180.
Svyakhovskiy SE, Skorynin AA, Bushuev VA, Chekalin SV, Kompanets VO, Maydykovskiy AI, Murzina TV, Novikov VB, Mantsyzov BI. Polarization effects in diffraction-induced pulse splitting in one-dimensional photonic crystals.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2013, 30(5):1261-1269.
Svyakhovskiy SE, Kompanets VO, Maidykovskiy AI, Murzina TV, Chekalin SV, Skorynin AA, Bushuev VA, Mantsyzov BI. Observation of the temporal Bragg-diffraction-induced laser-pulse splitting in a linear photonic crystal.
Phys. Rev. A, 2012, 86(1):013843(4).
Bushuev VA, Samoylova L. Reflection and transmission of XFEL SASE pulses by periodic multilayer structures.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A., 2011, 635(4):S19-S23.
Bushuev VA, Mantsyzov BI, Skorynin AA. Diffraction-induced laser pulse splitting in a linear photonic crystal.
Phys. Rev. A., 2009, 79:053811(5).
Feldman Y, Lyahovitskaya V, Leitus G, Lyubomirsky I, Wachtel E, Bushuev VA, Vaughan G, Rosenberg Yu. Synchrotron radiation–induced crystallization of amorphous barium titanate membranes.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2009, 95:051919.
Bushuev VA. Diffraction of X-ray free-electron laser femtosecond pulses on single crystals in the Bragg and Laue geometry.
J. Synchrotron Rad., 2008, 15(3):495-505.
Karavanskii VA, Lomov AA, Sutyrin AG, Busuev VA, Loiko NN, Melnik NN, Zavaritskaya TN, Bayliss S. Raman and X-ray studies of nanocrystals in porous
stain-etched germanium.
Thin Solid Films, 2003, 437(3):290-296.
Karavanskii VA, Lomov AA, Sutyrin AG, Bushuev VA, Loikho NN, Melnik NN, Zavaritskaya TN, Bayliss SA. Observation of nanocrystals in porous stain-etched germanium.
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 2003, 197(1-2):144-149.
Bushuev VA, Imamov RM, Mukhamedzhanov EKh, Oreshko AP. Detection of ultrathin amorphous layers by means of specular reflection under grazing-incidence diffraction conditions.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2002, 35(12):1422-1427.
Balakin AV, Boucher D, Bushuev VA, Mantsyzov BI, Masselin P, Ozheredov IA, Petrov EV, Shluronov AP. Enhancement of sum frequency generation near the photonic band gap edge under the quasi-phase matching conditions.
Phys. Rev. E., 2001, 63(4):046609.
Balakin AV, Bushuev VA, Koroteev NI, Mantsyzov BI, Ozheredov IA, Shkurinov AP, Boucher D, Masselin P. Enhancement of second-harmonic generation with femtosecond laser pulses near the photonic band edge for different polarization of incident light.
Optics Letters, 1999, 24(12):793-795.
Awards and grants:
First prize named of RV Khokhlov of Lomonosov MSU (1978).
Diploma of 3d degree and the premium of Company «The Base Element» (2003).
The Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2005).
Anniversary Breastplate «250 years of the Lomonosov Moscow State University» (2005)
Honorary Title «The Deserved Professor of the Moscow University» (2006).
Breastplate «The Honourable Worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation» (2008).
Medal «In the Memory of the 850 Anniversary of Moscow» (1997).
Grants RFBR No 13-02-00300, 13-02-00760, 12-02-00924, 10-02-00527, 10-02-00768, 09-02-00786, 09-02-01293.