OLEG V. BETSKII, (22.03.1938, Moscow, USSR)
Dr Sci. Phys&Math., Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, http://www.raen.info (2001)
Address: 4, Vvedenskogo str., 141120 Fryazino, Moscow region, Russian Federation
E-mail: betskii@cplire.ru
Education and Degrees
Dr Sci Phys&Math., Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS (19…)
Ph.D. Phys&Math., Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS (19…)
Diploma: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Chair of Oscillations Physics (19…)
Academic Title: Professor (19...)
Affiliation history
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, http://www.cplire.ru, Moscow, Russia (19… – at present).
Research Interests
Radio physics & Physical Electronics, Biomedical Radioelectronics, …
Academic Councils and Research Management
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Head of the Lab. of … (since 19…)
Editorial Boards
Scientific journal "Biomeditsinskaya Radioelektronika» ISSN 1684-1719 – Deputy Chief
Scientific journal “Millimetrovye volny v bioligii i meditsine ISSN 2070-0970 – Editor-in-Chief
Scientific-technical journal “Radioengineering”, ISSN 0033-8486, editorial board member
Scientific journal “RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” ISSN 2218-3000 - editorial board member (2009)
Selected Publications
Devyatkov ND, Golant MB, Betsky OV. Millimeter waves and their role in the processes of life. Moscow: Radio and communication, 1991.
Devyatkov ND, Golant MB, Betsky OV. Features of biomedical use of MM-waves. Moscow:IRE RAS, 1994.
Khurgin Yu.l., Kudryashova V.A., Zavizion V.A., Betskii О.V. Millimeter Absorption Spectroscopy of Agueous Systems, 1994, p. 483-545. - In Sat. "Relaxation Phenomena in Condensed Matter (Ed. W. Coffey). Advances in Chemical Physics. Vol. LXXXVTI.
Betsky OV, Putvinsky AV. Biological effects of low-intensity MM radiation. Izv. universities. Ser. Radio electronics. Electronic microwave devices, 1986, 29(10):4-10.
Betsky OV. Millimeter waves in biology and medicine. Radio engineering and electronics, 38(10):1760-1782.
Betsky OV, Lebedeva N.N. Modern ideas about the mechanisms of action of low-intensity waves on biological objects. Millimeter waves in biology and medicine, 2001, 3(24):5-19.
Betsky OV, Petrov I.I., Tyazhelov V.V. at all. The distribution of the electromagnetic fields of the millimeter range in model and biological tissues when irradiated in the near zone of the emitters. DAN USSR 1989, 309(1):230-233.
Petrov I.Yu., Betsky OV. Changes in the potential of the plasma membranes of the green leaf cells under electromagnetic millimeter irradiation. DAN USSR 1989, 305(2):474-476.
Devyatkov ND, Betsky OV, Kabisov R.K. at all. The impact of low-energy pulsed EHF and microwave radiation of nanosecond duration with high peak power on biological structures (malignant tumors). Biomedical Radioelectronics, 1998, 1:56-62.
Betsky OV. Water and electromagnetic waves. Biomedical Radioelectronics, 1998, 2:34. Betsky OV, Lebedeva N.N. Unusual properties of water in weak electromagnetic fields. Biomedical Technologies and Radioelectronics, 2003, 1:37-44.
Devyatkov ND, Gulyaev Yu.V., Bely Yu.N. at all. Electrophysical foundations and clinical applications of diagnostics and EHF-correction of human functional states. Radio engineering and electronics, 1995, 40(12):1887-1899.
Awards and grants
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1998
97-07-90031-b, 98-02-16723-a, 98-02-17130-a, 98-07-90299-b, 00-07-90147-b, 01-02-18017-a,