VITALY A. BARISHPOLETS, (01.07.1934, Kherson region, USSR)
Dr Sci. Techn., Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,, (1991)
Address: 44/2, Vavilova str., 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation
Education and Degrees
Dr Sci Techn., Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev (1975).
Ph.D. Techn., 27 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of USSR, Moscow (1967)
Diploma: Higher Naval Engineering College named Dzerzhinsky, Leningrad, USSR (1958)
Academic Title: Professor (1981)
Senior researcher (1968)
Affiliation history
Federal research center "Information and control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences,, Moscow, Russia (2015 - at present).
Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,, Moscow, Russia (1991-2015).
Scientific publishing house "Great Russian encyclopedia",, Moscow, Russia (2003-2008, part-time).
Section of Applied Problems of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences,, Moscow, USSR (1969-91).
Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, USSR (1979-1982, part-time).
The Central research Institute "Center" of the shipbuilding industry, Moscow, USSR (1991-1998, part-time).
27 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of USSR, Moscow, USSR (1961-1969).
The Novaya Zemlya nuclear test site of the USSR Ministry of defense, isl. Novaya Zemlya, USSR (1958-1961).
Research Interests
System analysis of complex technical and human-machine systems (CTS и HMS), including weapons and military equipment (WME), the problems of geopolitics, national and international security; mathematical methods and models of program-oriented planning and managing the creation of CTS, HMS and WME.
Academic Councils and Research Management
Federal research center "Information and control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher, Moscow, Russia
Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher, Moscow, Russia
Section of Applied Problems of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, vice-chairman Section, Moscow, USSR
Editorial Boards
Scientific journal "Modeling, decomposition and optimization of complex dynamic processes", ISSN 2409-8639, editorial board member (with 1999).
Scientific publishing "Great Russian Encyclopedia", edition of "Political science", leading scientific editor (2003-2008).
Scientific journal “RENSIT: Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii” ISSN 2218-3000, editorial board member (with 2009).
Selected Publications
Barishpolets V. A., Pospelov G. S. Programmno-tselevoe planirovanie i upravlenie sozdaniem compleksov voennoy tekhniki [Program-target planning and management by the creation of complexes of military equipmen]. Moscow, Informtekhnika Publ., 1990, 25,5 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Manilov V. L., Pirumov, V. S. Osnovy natsionalnoy bezopasnosti Rossii [The Basics of National Security of Russia]. Moscow, Druse Publ., 1998, 38,3 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Manilov V. L., Pirumov, V. S. Russia on the Brink of the Millennium: International Policy and National Security Issues, Chapter 7. New York, Nova Science Publisher, 1998, 290 pages.
Barishpolets V. A., Abdurahmanov M. I., Manilov V. L. Voennaya bezopasnoct’ Rossii. Slovar-spravochnik [The Military Security of Russia. Dictionary-reference]. Moscow, Space Publ., 2000, 25 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Barishpolets D. V., Manilov V. L. Geopolitika. Populyarnaya entsiclopediya [Geopolitics. The encyclopedia of popular]. Moscow, TERRA-Book club Publ., 2002, 27,3 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Zolotarev V. A., Kokoshin A. A. Russia. Razdel “Natsionalnaya bezopasnost” (s. 427-442). Pod obsch. red. V.A.Barishpoltsa [The chapter of "National security" (pp. 427-442). Under the General editorship of V. A. Barishpolets]. Moscow, Scientific publishing house "Great Russian encyclopedia", 2004, 3,2 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Makhutov N.A., Procofiev V.F. Bezopasnost’ Rossii. Chelovecheskiy faktor v problemakh bezopasnosti [Russia's Security. The human factor in security issues]. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 2008, 43 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Makhutov N. A., Prokofiev V. F., Shoigu Y. S. Bezopasnost’ Rossii. Osnovy informatsionno-psikhologicheskoy bezopasnosti. Pod obsch. red. V.A. Barishpoltsa [Russia's Security. Principles of Information-psychological Security. Under the general editorship of V. A. Barishpolets]. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 2012, 26 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A., Borisenkov I. L., Korchak V. Yu., Makhutov N. A. Bezopasnost’ Rossii. Geopolitika i bezopasnost’ [Russia's Security. Geopolitics and Security (Encyclopedic dictionary-reference). Under the General editorship of V. A. Barishpolets]. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 2014, 52 printed sheets.
Barishpolets V. A. Metod postroeniya setevoy modeli so stokhasticheskoy strukturoy [Method of constructing a network model with stochastic structure]. Modeling, decomposition and optimization of complex dynamic processes, 2007:68-85 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Analiz setevoy modeli so stokhasticheskoy strukturoy pri pomoschi metoda statisticheskikh ispytaniy [Analysis of a network model with stochastic structure using the method of statistical tests]. Modeling, decomposition and optimization of complex dynamic processes, 2008:122-135 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Algorotm analiza setevoy modeli so stokhasticheskoy strukturoy pri pomoschi metoda statisticheskikh ispytaniy [Algorithms for analyzing network models with stochastic structure using the method of statistical tests]. Modeling, decomposition and optimization of complex dynamic processes, 2009:62-85 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Sistemny analiz katastrof, proiskhodyaschikh v mire [Systematic analysis of disasters occurring in the world]. Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii, 2010, 2(1-2):162-176 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Analiz global’nykh ekologicheskikh problem [Analysis of global environmental problems]. Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii, 2011, 3(1):79-96 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Modelirovanie protsessa sozdaniya slozhnoy tekhnicheskoy ili cheloveko-mashinnoy sistemy v konfliktnoy situatsii [Modeling of the process of creating complex technical or human-machine system in a conflict situation]. Modeling, decompo-sition and optimization of complex dynamic processes, 2012:79-86 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Osnovnye printsipy programmno-tselevogo planirovaniya i upravleniya sozdaniem slozhnykh tekhnicheskikh i cheloveko-mashinnykh sistem [Basic principles of program-target planning and management the creation of complex technical and human-machine systems]. Modeling, decomposition and optimization of complex dynamic processes, 2013:28-41 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Programmno-tselevoe planirovanie i upravlenie sozdaniem slozhnykh tekhnicheskikh i cheloveko-mashinnykh sistem [Program-target planning and management by creating a complex technical and human-machine systems]. Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii, 2014, 6(2):40-55, DOI: 10.17725/RENSITe.0006.201412e.0209 (in Russ.).
Barishpolets V. A. Programmno-tselevoy podkhod k formirovaniyu planov nauchnykh issledovaniy, razrabotok i proizvodstva slozhnykh tekhnicheskikh i cheloveko-mashinnykh sistem [Program-target approach to formation of plans for research, development and production of complex technical and human-machine systems]. Radioelektronika. Nanosistemy. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii, 2015, 7(1):48-54, DOI: 10.17725/RENSITe.2015.07.048 (in Russ.).